My name is Su Fullwood and I am working with Geoff to organise his own eclectic horological- related collection aiming to make it an accessible and usable archive.
I have worked with historic collections throughout my professional life since graduating, firstly as an archaeologist and then as a curator of collections. These initial curatorial posts were with industrial and social history museums. My first job was to catalogue and care for an entire watch and clock maker’s business which had been donated lock, stock and balance wheel to the museum I worked for in Bath. This began an interest in horology that has stuck with me throughout my career.
After several years working with archaeological collections, as Curator of Chichester District Museum, I moved on to West Dean College where I worked with the tutors and students on full time Conservation Courses. It enabled me to continue my interest in horology and conservation, learning invaluable amounts about both the technical side of clock making and the history.
I am really excited to join Geoff and the team in developing the Allnutt Archive. It is such a wonderful opportunity to continue discovering more about the story behind our fascination with measuring time and the way it has been harnessed. What you see on this page is a work in progress at its very beginnings. Eventually the collection will all be catalogued, digitised and made accessible to anyone interested – but it will take time! Hopefully some aspects will inspire comment, discussion and an exchange of knowledge along the way contributing to the provision of a resource for the future.